Getting Started

Registry can be a little hard to get your head around at first, so let’s start with a simple example. In the example below we will create a welcomer module which exposes a single method sayHello which writes a greeting on the console.

registry.module('welcomer', function() {
	return {
		sayHello: function() {


In the example above, we use the registry.module function to define a module which will be invoked as an IIFE which is equivalent to calling registry.define passing an IIFE yourself. Shown below is an example of the welcomer definition using the basic define functionality. It looks a little messy, which is why the module helper was introduced.

registry.define('welcomer', (function() {
	return {
		sayHello: function() {


Wildcard Power

While the examples above show how you can use registry in a simple way, they really don’t demonstrate why you would use registry. For this, we will create a slightly more complicated welcomer example.

In this example we will create two variants of a welcomer, both which provide a sayHello method:

registry.module('welcomer.polite', function() {
	return {
		sayHello: function() {
			console.log('hi, how are you?');

registry.module('welcomer.rude', function() {
	return {
		sayHello: function() {
			console.log('um, what do you want?!');


As you can see, when we ask registry for an instance of a welcomer we don’t ask it for a specific type of welcomer, but rather we let it decide which one will be supplied. In this case, the welcomer.polite instance is returned and used as it was the first declared. If you explicitly wanted to invoke the rude welcomer, you simply need to specify welcomer.rude in the registry call.

NOTE: As with eve the wildcard matching implementation (provided by the wildcard module) allows the request text of welcomer to match both welcomer.polite and welcomer.rude by inferring a pattern of welcomer.*.